Application invited for the post of driver for this institute with following qualifications on regular basisKerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) Careers : Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) is an autonomous institution functioning for the Local governments in Kerala. It was registered under the Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Act 1955. The Central university of Kerala has recognised it as a Research centre attached to the Department of International Relations w.e.f 14 July 2014. Ever since its inception in 1990, KILA has been engaged in myriad of capacity building interventions on local governance and decentralization; including training, action-research, publications, seminars and workshops, consultancy, documentation, handholding and information services.
Post: Driver
Essential Qualification
Pass in Standard X or equivalent Qualification
Must Possess a Motor Driving License (LDV License) of at least ten years standing and driver Badge. (The Driving License
should be current at all stages of selection, Viz on the date of application, the last date for receipt of applications, practical test and interview)
Proficiency in driving light and heavy Duty Motor Vehicle (To be proved at a practical test)
Heavy Duty Motor Vehicle Driving License
Preferable Qualifications and Experience
Training in Driving Techniques conducted by Government Institutions/Government Agencies
Working Knowlesge of Hindi and English( Malayalam Essential)
Two Years working Experience as Driver in Govt. Institutions/Board/Corporation/Automomous Body
Age Limit: Maximum age limit 39 years as on 01/01/2020.Other Backward Communities and SC/ST Candidates are eligible for usual age Relaxation
Scale of Pay: Rs 19000-43600
Openings: 1
The Application shall be submitted online in the website of KILA on or before 24/06/2020