UCIL Recruitment 2020: Uranium Corporation of India Limited is officially out the recruitment notification for 136 candidates to fill their Graduate Operational Trainee (Chemical), Mining Mate-C, Boiler-cum Compressor Attendant-A, Winding Engine Driver-B, Blaster-B, Apprentice (Mining Mate), Apprentice (Laboratory Assistant) jobs in All over India. The aspirants who are looking for the Central Govt can utilize this wonderful opportunity. Also, the Online application for the UCIL Recruitment 2020 will start on 18th May 2020. Interested aspirants should apply for the post before 22th July 2020 for Uranium Corporation of India Limited Latest vacancies.
Organization : Uranium Corporation of India Limited
Total Vacancy : 136
Job Location: All Over India
Salary: Rs.25,000 - 45,900
Apply Mode: Online
Application Start: 18th May 2020
Last date for submission of application: 22th July 2020
UCIL Recruitment 2020 Vacancy Details
Graduate Operational Trainee (Chemical)
Openings: 04 (UR-02, SC-01 & ST - 01)
Salary: During Ist year of training - ₹33994 per month (BP-₹29990 + DA - ₹4004). During 2nd year of training - ₹30890 plus DA as prevalent during 2nd year
Mining Mate-C
Openings: 52 (UR-26, OBC(NCL)-06 SC-06 & ST-14)
Salary: Rs. 33087 (B.P. - ₹29190 + DA – ₹3897) in the scale of Pay of ₹29190 - 3% - ₹45480
Boiler-cum Compressor Attendant-A
Openings: 03 (UR-01, OBC(NCL)- 01 ST-01)
Salary: Rs. ₹32180 ( B.P - ₹28390 + DA – ₹3790) in the Scale of Pay of ₹28390 - 3% - ₹44230
Winding Engine Driver-B
Openings: 14 (UR-07, OBC(NCL)– 02, SC-02 & ST-03)
Salary: Rs. ₹32180 ( B.P - ₹28390 + DA – ₹3790) in the Scale of Pay of ₹28390 - 3% - ₹44230
Openings: 04 (UR-02, SC-01 & ST-01)
Salary: Rs. ₹32180 ( B.P - ₹28390 + DA – ₹3790) in the Scale of Pay of ₹28390 - 3% - ₹44230
Apprentice (Mining Mate)
Openings: 53 (UR-26, OBC(NCL)- 06, SC- 06 & ST – 15)
Salary: During the Ist year of Training : 70% (Seventy percent)& 2nd year of Training : 80% of minimum wage of semi-skilled workers notified by the respective State or Union Territory
Apprentice (Laboratory Assistant)
Openings: 06 (UR-03 OBC(NCL)- 01, SC- 01 & ST – 01)
Salary: During the Ist year of Training : 70% (Seventy percent)& 2nd year of Training : 80% of minimum wage of semi-skilled workers notified by the respective State or Union Territory
UCIL Recruitment 2020 Educational Qualification
Graduate Operational Trainee (Chemical)
B.Sc.(Physics/Chemistry) -03 years course with minimum 60% marks for UR candidates and 55% marks for SC/ST candidates. Candidates with knowledge of Computer will be preferred
Mining Mate-C
Intermediate with unrestricted Mining Mate Certificate of Competency issued by DGMS. Candidate must possess 05(Five) years experience at Mining Mate in Underground Mechanised Metal Mines. Candidates must be able to read/write and speak Hindi/Local language
Boiler-cum Compressor Attendant-A
Matric with Ist Class Boiler Attendant Certificate granted by Government Board of any State or Union Territory. 01 yr experience as in-charge with Ist Class Boiler Attendant Certificate of a single boiler with steam pipes of any type or capacity of two or more boilers in a battery or many separate individual boilers whose total minimum heating surface is 300 Sq.mtr. Should be conversant with operation of oil fired boilers
Winding Engine Driver-B
Matric or equivalent. The candidate must possess Ist Class Winding Engine Driver’s Certificate obtained from the Directorate General of Mines Safety. The candidate should have more than 03 years working experience as a Winding Engine Driver in Metal/Coal Mines out of which at least one year experience on a 100 HP Winder or more.
Matric with unrestricted Blaster’s Certificate of Competency issued by DGMS. Candidate must possess 03 years experience as Blaster in a Underground Metal Mines. Candidates should be well conversant in explosive Electrical blasting.
Apprentice (Mining Mate)
Intermediate with minimum 60% marks for UR/OBC(NCL) candidates and 55% marks for SC/ST candidate
Apprentice (Laboratory Assistant)
Matric with minimum 60% marks for UR/OBC(NCL) candidates and 55% marks for SC/ST candidates
UCIL Recruitment 2020 Application Fee Details
To apply for the 136 Graduate Operational Trainee (Chemical), Mining Mate-C, Boiler-cum Compressor Attendant-A, Winding Engine Driver-B, Blaster-B, Apprentice (Mining Mate), Apprentice (Laboratory Assistant) job in Uranium Corporation of India Limited, the candidates requested to pay the application fees by notified mode. Payment is to be paid online through credit card/debit card/ net banking. Application fee paid by the candidates who have not submitted their application or whose application is rejected, will not be refunded. All application service charge shall be borne by candidates only.
Candidates belonging to General / OBC (Creamy Layer & Non Creamy Layer) categories are required to pay a Non-Refundable Application Fee of Rs 500/-(Rs. Five Hundred only).
SC/ST/PWD/Female candidates are exempted from the payment of Application Fee
How To Apply For Latest UCIL Recruitment 2020?
Interested and eligible candidates can apply Online for the UCIL Recruitment 2020 notification from 18th May 2020. The last date to apply Online for UCIL Recruitment 2020 until 22th July 2020. Check out the notification PDF below