Kerala State Textile Corporation Limited Recruitment 2020: Kerala State Textile Corporation a Government of Kerala Undertaking.The Corporation was incorporated in the year 1972 with the main objective of setting up of / or running textile mills in the state.The Corporation has four mills and one Research & testing centre.Two other units,Sitaram Textiles and Trivandrum Spinning Mills Limited are now vested under the administrative control of Kerala State Textile Corporation Ltd.a
Vacancies List
Company Secretary (General Manager Grade)
Openings: 1
Graduate from a recognized university and membership and Certificate of the Institute of Company secretaries of India(ICSI)
7 years post qualification experience as company secretary out of which 3 years experience in senior management position in a secretarial office of a company
Age Limit: 36 years
Salary: Rs 92,506/- Per Month
Assistant Manager (Finance and Accounts)
Openings: 4
Chartered Accountant(Inter) Certificate (CA Inter) from institute of Chartered Accountants
of indian or Coast Accountants Inter Certificate From Institute of Coast Accountants of India
4 years post qualification experience in finance department of a company
Age Limit: 36 years
Salary: Rs 43,477/ Per Month
Assistant Manager (Personnel)
Openings: 3
Graduate with MBA (HR) or MSW in Personnel Management or Master of Human Resournce Management (MHRM) - Regular Course of Study
of LLB with Labour Laws as an Elective Subject
3 year post qualification experience in industrial undertaking in Managerial Cadre
Age Limit: 36 years
Salary: 43,477/- Per Month
How to Apply
Interested candidate please send your application by post or email along with copies of Certificate showing age, qualification and experience
on or before 25th June 2020
Kerala State Textile Corporation Limited
TC No.9/2000-01
Kochar Road,
Trivandrum - 695010